Other Fun Stuff About Me!
My love of dogs is matched only by my love of ice cream
I have a lapel pin collection and I’m not afraid to admit it
The only famous person I would ever care to have lunch with is Dolly Parton
In November 2020, I was diagnosed with autism and made a podcast about it
Ask me about my extremely brief turn as a porn reviewer
I really love giving talks and moderating panels and I’ll probably say yes if you ask me to do either
After college I worked at a British boarding school where my title was “assistant house mistress”
There’s a chance I might be a houseplant hoarder
Once I got asked to audition for a movie starring Joaquin Phoenix, but I did not get the part
If you mention Pittsburgh (my glorious hometown!) prepare to get an earful about how much I love it
My very first job was at a bridal store during prom season
I was an athlete in college (lacrosse), which is why I now suffer from aging athlete body
Peacocks are the absolute worst